Religious Architecture: Renovation

Harrison Design

Northfield, MA

When Thomas Aquinas College acquired the historic Northfield Seminary for Young Ladies in Northfield, Massachusetts, in 2019, they were blessed with an incredible richness of architectural heritage and simultaneously faced with the enormous task of updating, renovating, and restoring the campus buildings and grounds.

The project at hand is the interior renovation of the campus chapel. The essence of the renovation focused on the elements necessary for the Roman Catholic liturgy. The new Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel needed a redesigned sanctuary, sacristy spaces, and pew layout.

The renovation of the sanctuary and surrounding areas took cues from the existing neo-Gothic structure. The resulting design, with pointed arches, floral and vegetal ornamentation, and a large hexagonal hood, brings together historic French and English Gothic design seen through a neo-Gothic lens. The ornamental details are inspired by drawings of A. W. N. Pugin and by documents that showed the original ornamental details adorning the organ case and other millwork. The composition of the hood facets are adaptations of organ millwork that formerly existed within the chapel. The restored and gilded tabernacle was originally made in France in the 19th century. The final design was further embellished by a liturgical painting scheme, including gilding of several elements of the new hood and reredos.

Jury Comments

This is a beautiful renovation. The use of gilding throughout adds power to the decoration of this sacred space, providing a visual hierarchy and focal point. The overall effect is amazing.

Project Team Members

Nicolas Leo Charbonneau
Anthony Grumbine
John Parker Wilmeth
Michi Sanderson

Project Consultants

John Canning Co. / Liturgical Painting
Mountain View Millworks / Millwork & Liturgical Furnishings
King Richard’s Liturgical Design / Fine Statuary