Sacred Landscape Award
Dan Snow
Killington, Vermont
For those who gathered at Mission Farm in the Green Mountains in recent years, the conversation centered on having more spaces to connect, share stories, and listen to music. By identifying common spaces and celebrating them, the group hoped to end isolation in their community and nurture a new relationship to the land that they steward.
The community members wished to craft an assemblage of stones into a space that would concentrate the earth’s energy into a light-capturing atmosphere. Two belief systems would have to intersect and amplify one another to bring the project to successful completion.
Two weeks after the Odeon’s completion and three days after community volunteers rolled out fresh sod between the terraced seats, the 2023 Mountain and Meadows Festival took place. There was food and music, conversation, and reflection. People joined together to make the place come alive, and space and energy became one.
Jury Comments
The larger stones act as an extension from the stone church. The level of detail in the placement of the stones makes it belong to the landscape, that it has always been here. Spirituality extends into the landscape.
Project Team Members
Dan Snow / Artist
Lisa Ransom / Executive Director, Mission Farm
Jared Flynn / Apprentice
Whitney Brown / Apprentice
Project Consultants
Jack Rossi
Craig Mosher
Scott Baughman
Photo Credit / Oliver Parini