Religious Architecture: Renovation

Voith & Mactavish Architects

Bryn Mawr, PA

The congregation of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church felt its historic campus could be improved to better support its members and community-oriented activities. By working with the existing architecture wherever possible, the design team created strategic improvements that focused on the church’s main priorities: improving accessibility, strengthening programs, and celebrating community.

The Education Building was the first project to move forward. A new, at-grade entry vestibule, carefully designed to integrate with the existing building, replaced the original tall steps. Inside, a new elevator and central gathering area were key to reconfiguring circulation for greater efficiency and accessibility.

The second phase addressed interconnected improvements to the Ministries Center, Converse House, and Sanctuary. A new atrium created a prominent main entrance while also serving as a comfortable, accessible, and protected pathway from the Sanctuary into the Ministries Center and its court. The entrance is universally accessible at two levels, and new, all-gender restrooms are also a welcome addition. A former meeting room was converted into a gallery for local artists. Meanwhile, a renovated multipurpose room can be used for variously sized events and doubles as a space for part of the congregation’s library. On the upper floors, existing space was redesigned specifically for older children and young adults. Inside Converse House, the historic parlor was converted into a small meeting room that doubles as a getting-ready room for brides.

Jury Comments

This project is exceptionally skillful in improving existing spaces while paying homage to the original design. It makes the facility more welcoming, accessible, and versatile. The scale of the new spaces is sensitive and works with the existing architectural context. It provides a great sense of entrance.

Project Team Members

John H. Cluver
Robert Duke
Derek Supinsky

Project Consultants

Keast & Hood / Structural Engineer
Dimitri J. Ververelli, Inc. / MEPFP Engineer
Robinson Anderson Summers / Landscape Architect
Site Engineering Concepts / Civil Engineer