Shared Space / Adaptive Reuse
Congregations often feel that they have to choose between spending funds on their mission or on capital investments to preserve their buildings. Partners helps sacred places and their communities explore space-sharing and adaptive reuse strategies that both increase the congregation’s ministry and generate new sources of revenue for building maintenance and preservation.
Reinvigorate Your Sacred Space with new Partners
Every congregation’s property holds immense value for mission, community, and potential new uses including community partnerships and space sharing arrangements that may yield new streams of income.
Shared Space Planning
Partners brings significant and diverse experiences of space-matching to congregations who are interested in developing or enhancing space-sharing strategies. Partners offers customized recommendations and guidance on wide range of topics such as:
- Pursuit of space-Sharing partnerships and rental arrangements that fit well with the congregation’s mission and identity
- Identification of underutilized spaces that are best suited to space-sharing relationships, and effectively repurposing and readying spaces for rental
- Guidance regarding marketing and messaging, including hands-on help with getting the word out to local community groups, small businesses, and potential one-time renters that the church has space available
Because of Partners’ strong relationship with the faith community and our expertise in community development and the arts, Partners has extensive experience and connections to networks of arts groups and social service organizations interested in sharing space. In facilitating shared-space agreements, our services include:
- Identification of potential tenants
- Guidance on best practices for sharing space
- Business and strategic planning
- Lease development and negotiation
Adaptive Reuse
Partners has strong expertise on how to reuse inactive religious properties, with extensive experience in developing and leading charrettes and seminars on how to redevelop such spaces. In situations of complete adaptive re-use, our services include:
- Design charrette development and management: a kick-starter initiative that brings together community leaders, residents, and architects to think creatively about the site through the lens of civic engagement
- Community and political engagement
- Business and funding plan development
Shiloh Baptist Church – a new home to JUNK & BRAT Productions
According to 2 Samuel 6:14, “And David danced before the Lord with all his might,” and it was these words that finally convinced the congregation of Shiloh Baptist Church to trust their leader, Rev. Edward Sparkman, to rent their beloved Sunday School space to a dance company named Brian Sanders’ J [...]
St. Luke’s Lutheran & Theatre Y
In 2006, when the Reverend Erik Christensen arrived at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square in Chicago, IL, it had twelve members. Today, the church has 114 members, its finances are stabilized, and its building is buzzing with the activity of space-sharing partnerships that emerged out of a [...]
A Home for Azuka Theatre & Inis Nua
As one of the oldest churches in Philadelphia, First Baptist Church has had many homes in its 314-year history. But when Reverend Peter Wool returned to lead First Baptist in 2009 (he had originally served as pastor 1983-1994), he was met with a congregation whose current location was in jeopardy. [...]