New Facilities Award
INUCE • Dirk U. Moench / Dr.-Ing. Dirk U. Moench
Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China
The Mountain Church is the first Christian sanctuary in the new town of Julong, near the city of Quanzhou. The young congregation, from diverse denominational backgrounds and regions across China, hopes the building can serve as a bridge across liturgical and symbolic traditions, fostering a sense of shared identity.
Drawing inspiration from biblical archetypes like Peter the Rock and Noah’s Ark, the design features two elements: a lower portion resembling a terraced rock and the nave above evoking the image of an abstracted ark. These elements allow for flexible subdivision for secular needs.
The design transcends mere symbolism, inviting both physical and spiritual engagement. Believers, as on a pilgrimage, ascend the terraces for worship. At the top, they are embraced by Paradise—an element denoting a church’s asylum. This place of concentration prepares the worshipper for entry into the “belly” of the ark. On entering the sanctuary, one experiences complete exposure to the mountain and creation becomes part of liturgy.
Jury Comments
This project utilizes the principles of modern building in the most dramatic and site-appropriate way. The plan is inventive, and it will be significant for a long time.
Project Team Members
Dr.-Ing. Dirk U. Moench / Lead Architect
Huang Xiaodong / Architect
Project Consultants
FJADI Fuzhou
Photo Credit / Shikai / INUCE