Partners for Sacred Places
Partnering with Congregations and
Communities for 35 Years
Communities for 35 Years
Partners for Sacred Places brings people together to find creative ways to maintain and make the most of America’s older and historic houses of worship.
We know that sacred places have enormous value as homes for religious life, as community centers that provide services for children, seniors, and other vulnerable populations, and as meeting places, performance venues, and sources of beauty and inspiration that benefit people of all faiths.
A leader in the nonprofit field for over 30 years, Partners provides research, training, grants — such as the National Fund for Sacred Places and Arts in Sacred Places — , and one-on-one coaching and support to give congregations and civic leaders the tools they need to keep sacred places at the heart of their communities.
Want to work with us? Request information from Partners for Sacred Places.
New Philadelphia Fund for Black Sacred Places Launches
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, October 25, 2023 — Partners for Sacred Places and the Greater Philadelphia Preservation Alliance are thrilled to launch the new Philadelphia Fund for Black [...]
National Fund for Sacred Places Awards Grants to 16 Historically Significant Faith Communities Across the U.S.
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, October 16, 2023 — The National Fund for Sacred Places, a program of Partners for Sacred Places in collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Prese [...]
2022 Annual Report Now Available
A Message from our Leadership Robin Whitehurst, FAIA Board Chair Bob Jaeger, President This past year has been one of growth and innovation at Partners, thanks to the generosity [...]
35th Anniversary Photo Contest
Partners for Sacred Places is holding a national photo contest with the theme “Sacred Places at the Heart of Communities” in honor of our 35th anniversary! Amateurs and professionals a [...]
Transformative Storytelling at San Antonio Mennonite Church
In December of 2022, Mitzi Moore of San Antonio Mennonite Church spoke with Partners for Sacred Places about the congregation’s participation in the New Dollars/New Partners for Your [...]
THIS MUST BE THE PLACE: How Beautiful Spaces Invite Community for Vulnerable Philadelphians
In 1901, the ambitious construction of the Chambers-Wylie Presbyterian Church on South Broad Street was at long last complete. Boasting granite and Indiana Limestone on all sides of i [...]
Partners for Sacred Places’ training was incredible. It was really the most impactful fundraising training I’ve had since ordination in 2004… I think that’s why we have been so successful.
The timing of [the site] visit was perfect. Really, Partners for Sacred Places helped us figure out the right questions to ask… Definitely that was a turning point for all of us.
The value of working with you is not primarily the money. Sure, it is important; but, the more important value is your insights and your imprimatur that our project is valuable.
Partners has taught me so much and I am ever grateful for your support.
The primary benefits were spiritual and communal… We saw a marked increase in our regular giving and our monthly giving. It also gave us an opportunity to talk about why the church matters.