Nordic Churches Project
Churches in the Nordic Heritage program receive training, support for repair planning, and capital grants. Training sessions help each church learn how to tell its story, better care for its building, and more effectively engage with the larger community. Each church is invited to apply for grants of up to $15,000 to restore or repair building exteriors, structural systems, or interior decorative arts. Each grant requires a 1:1 match by the recipient, which is assisted by community-wide fundraising.
About the Project
Between 1820 and 1920, more than 2.1 million Nordic immigrants came to the American Midwest from Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, and Norway. Their settlements made a significant impact on the cultural landscape of the region. However, churches built by these Nordic American communities are increasingly at risk due to shrinking populations, leading to fewer resources to care for buildings and the decorative arts within.
The Nordic Churches Project addresses these concerns by supporting a small group of active congregations and nonprofit organizations as they work to preserve their buildings and sustain their presence in the community.
By highlighting cultural heritage, Partners endeavors to demonstrate that historic Nordic American churches are deeply embedded in many communities, and that their buildings, community engagement, ethnic traditions, and food events are significant civic assets to the larger neighborhood, town, and region. Raising the profile of Nordic American cultural heritage also illustrates how sacred places are often the strongest and best expressions of national and ethnic history and artistry in any given region.
Contact Emily Sajdak at

First Cohort
Augustana Lutheran Church, Sioux City, IA
Bethany Lutheran Church, Covington, MI
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Askov, MN
Dalesburg Lutheran Church, Vermillion, SD
Hallson Icelandic Church, Cavalier, ND
Hardies Creek Lutheran Church, Ettrick, WI
Jacobsville Chapel, Sandstone Township, MI
Luther Memorial Church, Des Moines, IA
Nora Unitarian Universalist Church, Hanska, MN
Old Trondhjem Lutheran Church, Lonsdale, MN
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Viborg, SD
Springdale Lutheran Church, Mt. Horeb, WI
Swedish Zion Lutheran Church, Souris, ND
Trinity Lutheran Church, Brevort, MI
Valley Grove Churches, Nerstrand, MN
Vidalin Icelandic Lutheran Church, Akra, ND
Zion Lutheran Church, Manistique, MI
Second Cohort
Gardar Pioneer Lutheran Church, Gardar, ND
Grue Lutheran Church, Buxton, ND
Hainesville Lutheran Church, Sturgeon Bay, WI
Roseni Lutheran Church, Beresford, SD
St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Devils Lake, ND
Swede Bend Church, Manson, IA
Viking Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND
West Denmark Lutheran Church, Luck, WI