NEW DOLLARS/NEW PARTNERS for California Sacred Places
A Program [...]
Black Faith Leaders Convening
They marched down the center aisle of the hallowed halls of the magnificent Concord Baptist Church of God and Christ in Brooklyn, New York. Hundreds of people arrived with solemn faces for the occasion, led by Dr. Gary V. Simpson, Senior Pastor, and the esteemed Vernon Jordan. These were the toilers in the vineyard, leaders of an interfaith array of congregations from across the United States: civil rights icons, activists and advocates, spiritual leaders, businesspeople.
Property Insurance Claims at Sacred Places
Sacred P [...]
SACRED PLACES / Faith and Form from the President
IT’S BECOMING INCREASINGLY APPARENT to civic leaders across America that many of our congregations, especially in older urban and rural communities, have declined in size over the last several decades [...]
Community Learning Hubs in Sacred Places
Community [...]
An Interview with The Rev. Katherine Glaze Lyle
The Rev. [...]